Family Arts and Creativity
Family Arts and Creativity (FAC) is designed to strengthen child-parent relationships and enrich the school community through the arts. The program was launched in 1998 in partnership with the Center for Family Involvement in Schools at Rutgers University. It is modeled on the highly successful Family Math and Family Science programs.
Each family workshop engages parents and their young children in open-ended arts activities structured around a central theme such as family traditions, retelling family stories or creating a time capsule.
Family Arts and Creativity:
- addresses multiple intelligences by using many art forms: dance, music, storytelling, drama, puppetry, sculpture and more!
- engages parents and children in an exploration of ideas and materials
- encourages collaborative problem solving and group discussion
- celebrates individual’s creativity and innovative solutions.
A Five-Session FAC series Includes:
- One full day of Professional development for 25 teachers, with two YA staff/artists
- Five 1-hour workshops for fifteen to twenty families (one parent and one child per family)
- Materials and online resources