
Picturing the Self: Recognizing Students’ Cultural Knowledge

In this workshop, participants will learn how to apply Zaretta Hammond’s Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning research to their practice. While the focus will be on applying strategies to drawing experiences, other art disciplines will also be discussed. In addition, participants will learn how the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) method can be transformed into a […]

Creative Approach to Fractions

Integrating fractions and mathematical communication, students create math-based murals using simple art materials and techniques. Nationally credentialed teaching artist Molly Johnson introduces the work of professional artists who use math as their inspiration. Students do the same and practice conceptual, representational, and abstract understandings of fractions. This residency engages students’ creativity and mathematical thinking through […]

Culturally Responsive Education in Action!

Culturally Responsive Education (CRE) in Action will provide teachers with sequential learning to merge arts and culture for greater student engagement. Teachers will apply a shared understanding of CRE to articulate why CRE is important to teaching and learning pedagogy. Teachers will transform their current curriculum by identifying and implementing teaching and learning strategies that […]

B.A.R.S.: The ABC’s of Hip Hop

Baba Bomani’s program uses rhythm and rhyme to explain basic reading and math concepts such as how to recognize syllables and showing how a rapper’s flow is simply a number bond math equation! Students have fun breaking and learning how to rap the alphabet backward, as well as learn crucial active listening skills and Black […]

Science Adventure

Through fun and interactive stories, we’ll explore amazing science concepts like physical and chemical changes, the laws of motion, energy, air pressure, and more! Several students will help conduct each experiment as the audience makes predictions and draws conclusions based on their observations. Everyone will be on the edge of their seats as they experience […]


Musiquita is a bilingual (English/Spanish) interactive educational music experience, appropriate for children of all ages and backgrounds, as well as kids at heart. The wife/husband duo features Blanca Cecilia González (violin/voice/uke/percussion) and Jesse Elder (piano/vocals/percussion/melodica). They perform originals, Latin Folk music, classical, jazz, pop, children’s classics and so much more! They have a play based […]