
The Frederick Douglass Writing Club

Frederick Douglass Writing Club brings history to life and ignites students’ creativity. Baba Bomani opens by introducing himself and his community through music, setting an energetic tone. He then dives into the remarkable story of Frederick Douglass, emphasizing how he “stole” his education and used literacy to escape slavery. Baba Bomani connects Douglass’ legacy to […]

Culturally Responsive Education in Action!

Culturally Responsive Education (CRE) in Action will provide teachers with sequential learning to merge arts and culture for greater student engagement. Teachers will apply a shared understanding of CRE to articulate why CRE is important to teaching and learning pedagogy. Teachers will transform their current curriculum by identifying and implementing teaching and learning strategies that […]

Grounded in Literary Arts

The Literary Arts and Poetry are an exploration of the unknown, embracing the joys and challenges while growing and building through every experience. Each opportunity of written, performed expression is a personal testament into the excitement that leaning into the unknown can ignite. Born with an unquenchable hunger for learning and connection, I bring the […]

Get Write with Rashad Wright

This Poetry/Performance workshop will begin with a demonstration of a performance poem. Students will then discuss the skills being used to write the poem in tandem the techniques used in the performance of that poem. Next participants will be provided with a warm up exercise to encourage creative writing. Shortly after they will be writing […]

B.A.R.S.: The Writing Process Through Rap

Students are taken on a fun, multimedia trip through the world of creative writing where they discuss the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). Students will rap along to original, professionally released music created by Bomani, as well as songs highlighting his tips on how to be a better creative writer. There will […]

B.A.R.S.: The ABC’s of Hip Hop

Baba Bomani’s program uses rhythm and rhyme to explain basic reading and math concepts such as how to recognize syllables and showing how a rapper’s flow is simply a number bond math equation! Students have fun breaking and learning how to rap the alphabet backward, as well as learn crucial active listening skills and Black […]

Coding: Literature Adaptation

This lesson guides students through adapting a book into a media production, using Scratch, a visual programming language to program a Scratch Play. Developing a literature adaptation requires students to not only comprehend a story but also to closely study an original work, and to be created in a retelling.  Many students need support to […]